Club constitution

     1. Name

 1.1 The club shall be called Derby Nomad Ramblers.


     2. Club Aims

2.1 To provide opportunities for members of the Club to meet and participate in walking and occasional social activities together. 

2.2 To promote awareness of the need to maintain access, conservation and protection of the land in accordance with the Countryside Code. 

3. Equal Opportunities

3.1 The Club are committed towards promoting equal opportunities. Through the conduct of business the Club Committee will ensure that there will be equality and opportunity for all.

3.2 No one will be treated less favourably under the grounds of their ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion or age. Any incidents of harassment will be investigated thoroughly and relevant action will be taken. 

3.3 All members of the Club should treat each other with respect. 

4. Membership 

4.1 It will be open to all with a common interest in walking and sufficient fitness to be able to undertake the planned walks. Walkers are expected to be suitably equipped for the occasion. Any leader of the opinion that a member or visitor is not adequately equipped or of adequate fitness may refuse to allow that person to take part in the walk. For walks in challenging terrain members must carry the appropriate equipment and have the skills required for the terrain. The exception is if they have agreed with the leader before the event that they may participate. This is at the leader’s discretion. Both members and visitors must observe the Countryside Code. Walkers with dogs are expected to comply with the Countryside Code statement regarding the close control of dogs. Individual leaders may insist on dogs being kept on a lead. 

4.2 The classes of membership are as follows : Individual: Any person 18 years of age and over. Any person under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a person holding individual membership. Honorary: Life time membership, awarded at the discretion of the Committee. 

4.3 Child Protection Policy The Club have adopted a Code of Ethics & Good Practice for children in sport. On the members and visitors behalf we ask that :-  All members & visitors under the age of 18 years must be accompanied by their parent or guardian, OR someone suitable ‘in loco parentis’ on all walks and club trips.  They will be the parents or guardians (or person in loco parentis) full responsibility Parents or guardians must check that the child has suitable walking gear and any other requirement he or she may need during the walk, e.g. medication. They must also satisfy themselves that the walk is suitable for their child, as the Walk Leader / Club will not be responsible.

4.4 Prospective members shall be allowed three trial rambles before applying for membership Any person wishing to become a member shall apply to a Committee Member who shall bring forward the applicant's name to the Committee for consideration. Membership shall be granted to all approved applicants after payment of the current membership fee. Subscriptions paid by Members joining on or after 1 st October shall be valid until 31st December of the following year. Members not having paid by the end of June shall be regarded as lapsed. 

4.5 Any member who behaves in a manner likely to bring discredit upon the Club may only be expelled by a majority vote at either an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting. The member must be informed of the decision in writing. 

5. Walks Programme 

5.1 The Club will organise programmes of walks which will be made available to members in advance 

5.2 A member who has agreed to plan and lead a walk must do so, or arrange for another club member to do so. 

5.3 The Committee, Programme Secretary or relevant leader may change an event on the programme in advance provided members are notified by email a minimum of 4 days in advance. The leader may change the walk on the day without notice if exceptional conditions necessitate this or with the unanimous agreement of the Members on the day of the walk.

5.4 Members and visitors taking part in Club activities do so entirely at their own risk. Neither the Club nor its elected officers or leaders will accept responsibility for any personal accident or loss of property. Accidents. If during a Club walk a member requires the call out of any of the Emergency services or hospital treatment then the walk leader or person observing the incident should submit a full account of it to the Treasurer, the Chairman and the person who required the service / treatment within a week or as soon as possible after the event. This shall be kept on file by the Club for a minimum of 7 years. 

6. The Governing Authority 

6.1 The Annual General Meeting of all fully paid up members of the club shall be the overriding authority on all matters concerning the Club. A quorum shall consist of 15%of the membership or 20 members whichever is the lesser. 

6.2 The Annual General Meeting shall be held no later than the end of November each year. The exact date will be decided by the Committee. Members shall be given a minimum of twenty one days’ notice of the meeting. 

7. The Annual General Meeting

7.1 The Executive Committee of the Derby Nomad Ramblers Club will be electedat the Annual General Meeting. The Executive Committee will number up to ten members comprising the officers listed in clauses (7.2) to (7.8) and other paid up members. At the discretion of the Chairman any paid up member may attend a Committee meeting and take part in discussions. Such a person will not have voting rights. 

7.2 Should the need arise the Annual General Meeting has the power to elect a minimum committee of: The Chairman, The General Secretary, The Treasurer and the Programme Secretary or Secretaries. 

7.3 The Annual General Meeting shall also elect an independent examiner. 

7.4 All members elected to the committee shall only serve until the next Annual General Meeting unless re-elected at this meeting. Committee members who miss 3 consecutivemeetings without prior notice to the group may be asked to stand downandareplacement member elected from the group, unless the cause of absence is throughillness. If the period of illness exceeds 6 months, an interim member may be electedbythe Committee who will step down as and when the original Committee member is well enough again. 

7.5 No Committee Member shall have more than one vote. The Chair shall have the casting vote. 

8. Elections at the Annual General Meeting

 8.1 President who will be a member. He/she will be kept informed of all club activities and will be entitled to attend committee meetings. This role will be optional – it will only be filled when a suitable person is available. 

8.2 Chairperson who shall be responsible for the conduct of all meetings, which will be called to discuss the business of the club and shall sign the minutes of such meetings as they are approved. The Chairperson may at his/her discretion nominate another Committee Member to fulfil this role in his/her absence.

8.3 Secretary who will deal with the bulk of the correspondence of the Club (except where it pertains to finances), notify all concerned of meetings called to discuss the business of the Club, prepare the agenda, keep the minutes of such meetings and make the minutes available for inspection by any club member. Also to maintain the Club Rules. 

8.4 Treasurer who will manage all the funds, in the name of Derby Nomad Ramblers. TheTreasurer shall also prepare Financial statements showing the state of the Club’s finances at the end of the Club’s financial year and submit themto the independent examiner elected at the AGM. 

8.5 Membership Secretary who will prompt payment from new members and issue membership cards. He/she will also keep an up to date the membership list to enable the collection of subscriptions and to allow for the contacting of members as necessary. 

8.6 Programme Secretaries who shall be responsible for the production and distribution of programmes and ensure all leaders have received a copy of the Club Rules. 

8.7 Footpath Officer / RA Representative who will make every effort on the clubs behalf to preserve public rights of way. Wherever possible they will attend all appropriate meetings of the Area Committee of the Ramblers Association and any others deemed necessary, making a report to the Committee and Annual General Meeting of matters of interest. 

8.8 Website Editor who will have responsibility for updating and maintaining the Club website 

8.9 Independent Examiner who will scrutinise the accounts of the club prior to the Annual General Meeting and report at this meeting. The auditor will not be a Committee member. 

8.10 The Committee shall have the authority to co-opt Honorary Officers as necessary. 

9. Other Business at the Annual General Meeting


9.1 The Annual General meeting shall review the organisations which it is felt that Derby Nomad Ramblers should be affiliated to. 

10. Extraordinary General Meetings - how to be convened

10.1 An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened at any time by a resolution of the Committee or by a request in writing delivered to the Secretary. The request must be signed by 20 members or by 20% of the membership whichever is the lesser. There solution or request shall state the object of the meeting. The meeting must be called by the Secretary within 4 weeks of receiving such a resolution or written request. No business may be transacted in this meeting other than the business specified in the notice convening it. 

11. The Minimum Functions to be performed by The Committee

11.1 Carry out their duties as outlined in 8 or as otherwise requested by the committee. 

11.2 Meet as and when necessary in order to implement the decisions of the Annual General Meeting and other meetings of the club. A quorum shall be considered to be at least 50% of the Committee membership as it exists at that time. 

11.3 Decide any urgent matter that cannot be referred to the Annual General Meeting of the Club including if necessary enforcement of the rules. 

11.4 Make the necessary arrangements for the Annual General Meeting to which it shall present a report from the Chairman of its work and attendance's through the year and a report from The Treasurer on the audited accounts for the year. 

11.5 Arrange publicity for the Club and club activities. 

11.6 Arrange appropriate insurance cover for the Club 

11.7 Agree fees for activities listed on any forthcoming programme. 

11.8 Provide a set of rules for the running of the Club that incorporate the requirements of this Constitution. 

12. Finance 

12.1 The Club’s Financial year shall end on 30th September. 

12.2 The Club will have a bank account in the name of Derby Nomad Ramblers. The financial administration of the club will be done with the full agreement of the Committee. 

12.3 Two out of three signatures will be required at all times for the issuing of cheques from the account, one of which should be the Treasurer. 

12.4 The Club’s finances will be reported on at every committee meeting. 

12.5 The Club may apply for funding in accordance with its aims. 

12.6 The Clubs accounts will be audited annually and presented at the AGM. 

12.7 The annual subscription shall be fixed at the AGM for the forthcoming year. 

13. Dissolution 

13.1 The Club can be dissolved by two thirds majority vote of the membership. This should be done at AGM or an EGM. 13.2 Any Club property or funds remaining after the discharge of the debts and liabilities of the Club shall where possible, be donated to a relevant community project, registered charity or voluntary group in agreement with the majority of members of the Committee. 

14. This Constitution

This Constitution is effective from November 2019 until reviewed by a committee of the Derby Nomad Ramblers. 

Signed: ………………………………………….. ……….Sherril Kennedy (Chairperson) 

Signed: ………………………………………….. ………..Janet Williams (Secretary)

Please note: You can download a coopy of this document here.